Thursday, February 12, 2009

oscar job and other stuff

my beautiful baby will be 12 weeks tomorrow. as i write this she is held sleeping against my chest in one of her 4 front carriers.

life doesn't seem any clearer now than it did when i was pregnant. i mean as far as where to live and what to do for income. what is clear is that whatever i do it will be decided for her. whatever seems the best choice for her well being. it really is all about my daughter. my family. i finally have a family of my own, something i've wanted forever. i really am a traditionalist at in what i really want is a house with a yard and family to fill the house. i would love to have a partner to share this with. preferably a woman, but i guess i'm more open to men these days. i'm pretty particular so i don't quite know how i make such bad dating choices. oh, i'm not looking for a partner right now. if it happens then great, but the search is not on. and sex? not on my mind at all. i still feel very lonely however. i feel much more positive when i'm around friends and family.

i started taking the lowest dose of zoloft for my ppd and it seems to be just barely starting to work. i guess it's been less than 2 weeks since i started. it's taken some of the edge off, dulled the depression so it's not quite a debilitating. i still feel it though. i don't feel happy. some of it is situational. living in poverty...$584/mo + food stamps and 6 weeks of paid family leave ($67/week), in the bay area. uh huh. i suppose i could start the welfare to work program which requires a single parent to work 35 hours/ week or attend school 32 hours. it's a painful thought, putting her in daycare full time at such a young age. it's awful. the requirement for single parents used to be 20 hours/week, then 26, now 32/35. it's inhumane. couples requirements are less. single parents are so not respected.

i got a call yesterday for a makeup job. doing makeup on oscar night for a prominent family. i considered taking it. tryed to piece together how it would with baby, childcare, all of our stuff. i decided to refer an old friend who lives in la. they called her, but i'm not sure yet if she's been hired. i've worked with this family before on oscar night 3 years ago and really like them. i was pretty sad that i couldn't take the job. i guess i could have, but would it be worth the stress of traveling with her for the first time on such short notice?

she's waking up and hungry. so hard to get any time to blog.

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