Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Countdown

I'm 38 weeks tomorrow! I've recovered from my meltdown about finances and social services. At least for now I feel stronger and like I can handle it. After talking to some friends I feel it's the right choice to get my Cosmetology license. Yes, I would love to go for my master's instead, but I'm trying to be practical. I could teach with my master's, but I have no teaching experience. I've been doing makeup and some hair styling for a long time, I figure I should build on what I know and where my confidence and experience is.

At this moment I'm in my usual nightly spot. Pajamas on, sitting on my bed with my laptop. Tonight my dog is farting in his sleep! Pretty powerful. I'm over tired and haven't had a solid night sleep for weeks.

I made my ex and good friend a birthday present today. If I remember I'll post a pic here. She's coming to town for her birthday, but I won't get to see her on her b-day. It hurts my feelings, she's going to dinner with other friends, who she met when we were together. I'm guessing her girlfriend may be there and she would be uncomfortable. I could ask I guess.

I'm still pretty miserable physically. It's so uncomfortable to do anything! Today I dropped some change on the floor at a store and said "oh no!" because I knew it would be impossible for me to pick it up. It was so sweet though, the cashier picked it up for me. My contractions are getting more intense and I thought I was in labor on Sunday night. They came every 3-7 minutes for about an hour. I was going to call my support people, but they slowed down to every 1/2 hour to hour all night. The next day I only had a few. They are painful and it hurts to walk, stand up, ride in a car or anything that moves. My hips and back hurt. I'm complaining, but also just stating the facts so I can remember what ir was like at this point later on.

I'm so, so, so ready for this baby to come

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