Thursday, August 28, 2008

downtown berkeley bites

it seems that lately every time i go into downtown berkeley i have a bad day. i went to run errands yesterday and ended up miserable! after my piercings were removed i needed something to eat and to (of course) go pee. i went to a mexican restaurant, ordered a vegetarian taco and horchata, paid for it  and asked where the restroom was.."we don't have a restroom." i thought restaurants were required to have one for paying customers, maybe i'm wrong. this is the third food  place i've been to (as a paying customer) in berkeley that had no restroom. i also wanted to wash my hands before eating, i'd just been on the bus. the food wasn't great either. i ended up going to a matinee partly so i could use the facilities. after the much needed matinee break i had to take care of some errands, almost got hit in the crosswalk by an impatient driver which pissed me off. took care of my business. it was hot, i was on foot, tired and pissy. i'd researched a busline that i would take home to my new place and could not find a bus stop. called the transport info after walking blocks in the area where it was supposed to be. the guy gave me the wrong bus stop location. after walking more and not finding it i called again. "oh, you are right, it stops here and here and here". oops, he was wrong again. as i was plotting another way to get home involving 2 buslines, the original one passed by and stopped across the street. i was so frustrated, exhausted, my feet so sore that i was on the verge of tears. a car would be helpful, if only i could afford one. 

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