Friday, August 29, 2008

glucose test day

I'm very ready to have an easy, happy day. I'd love to feel content and like things are allright...very soon. I think a big part may be the lack of sleep combined with pregnancy hormones and of course situational stress. 

I was told not to eat anything from midnight last night for my glucose test this morning. I ate some pasta at 11:30 pm and got no sleep. To get to the perinatal center I had to leave 1.5 hours before my appointment and take 2 busses. I made it there 10 minutes early, signed in and waited. After 1/2 hour I checked with reception explaining that I had a glucose test scheduled "we don't do those here, you have your prenatal". The test was done across the street so I didn't flip out. I was made to wait for over an hour for the basic, regular prenatal all the while STARVING, weak, faint, shakey. I mentioned the test to the NP and she suggested that maybe I should  reschedule it for tomorrow. I was starting to get really grumpy at this point and snapped a little when she said I was also scheduled to meet with the nutritionist today. Holy poo! No I will not meet with the nutritionist today, did you hear that I haven't eaten since last night and it's now noon?! Yeah I'm a week from 7 months pregnant and it's not good to go without food for so many hours. She asked me the regular questions and gave me a prescription for a safe sleep aid when I told her that I haven't slept for 3 weeks. 

Across the street I was given a sugery lemon/lime drink and told to wait for 1 hour. Getting delerious at this point. After an hour in the waiting room I had 7 vials of blood drawn. Yep 7. The first prenatal center I went to in Berkeley still (3 months later) hadn't sent my medical records to the new place so I had to have all of the blood tests done again! 

I made scones yesterday and brought some along with a few almonds to eat after the test. I was so out of it and exhausted that I couldn't think of where to go eat. I had some of my snacks and got a salad at a pasta place. Not enough food, but I couldn't think clearly. 

I'm home now and still exhausted. Trying to see some positives in my current life. Why is it so tough? I wish I could enjoy myself a bit more. Maybe with some sleep....

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